¿Es obligatorio darse de alta siendo formador? | Cursos etiqueta empresarial virtual hacienda

A characteristic waste that has been treated in accordance with the LDR requirements, but contains regulated constituents that do not meet the Schedule 6 standards is subject waste. Please note that some of the exclusions have specific requirements that must be met in order for the waste to be excluded from the definition. For characteristic wastes, generators may be registering an untreated waste, a waste that has been treated to address only its hazardous characteristic, or a waste that has been treated to address both the hazardous characteristic and all other regulated constituents in Schedule 6. McConnell has signaled he is open to voting to convict Trump when the Senate takes up the article of impeachment passed by the House last week. For generators, the advantage of using lab packs is that one waste stream can be registered for all the different wastes, rather registering and filling out Part 2A for each separate waste stream. So, the Chinese Zodiac has one sign for each of twelve years, whereas the Western Zodiac has one sign for each of the twelve months. During the generator registration process, the generator must assess all listed wastes and characteristic wastes to determine whether there is a requirement to provide the receiver of the waste with the additional information. Subsecretario de Hacienda y Crédito Público SHCP. These facilities also need to provide guidance to waste generation facilities that are planning to mix LDR wastes on-site, to ensure that they do so in accordance with the waste receivers ECA.

¿Está la formación online exenta de IVA?

However, these generators are required to provide information to the receiver by means of a certificate on the container. The name onyx comes from the Greek word for fingernail, as onyx in the flesh color is said to resemble a fingernail. If you generate a waste that is severely toxic, you will need to specify the following information on the GRR:. Trump is expected to have already left Washington by the time that Biden is sworn in, breaking with the tradition of outgoing presidents attending the inaugurations of their successors. Note: One form is required for each subject waste. Example: Soil becomes contaminated with diesel fuel. If I store my waste on-site, when do I need to have an ECA in order to continue storing this waste? How do I apply for an ECA for on-site storage? The appropriate waste class for this mixture is 252 waste crankcase oils and lubricants because the greatest proportion of the waste 75 falls under this class. Accordingly, you must list all of the regulated constituents with concentrations at or above the treatment requirements that are or were present in the waste before treatment. Appendix L: Declaration of Wastes Subject to Land Disposal Restrictions provides a series of questions that when answered, will help you determine if you are required to fill out Part 2B. When one of these wastes is mixed with any other waste or material or when another waste is derived from this waste, the waste retains the original waste characterization i.

" The guidelines are designed for use by owners, operators and designers of chemical and waste storage facilities, as well as MOECC staff. Themed answers each start with S- and end with -IGHT:. Please note that there is no SQE for severely toxic wastes, and that empty containers and liners are also considered to be hazardous waste. We cant fight when theres not enough of us. The answer for some of us is quite clear: The left is indeed excellent at getting on its hind legs in protest, but performs abysmally when in charge. , sealed container requirements in Section 80 of Regulation 347 and the waste will be land disposed, you should refer to the Land Disposal Restrictions section of this manual to identify your LDR program requirements. Part 2B is not required for this waste stream. la oposición de Subinspector de Hacienda y así fue como entré en contacto con el mundo. If the notice to the Director is provided in another format, the generator must ensure that all record-keeping requirements are met. Following incineration, the incineration facility must characterize the residue and determine whether LDR requirements apply, as the incineration facility is considered a new point of generation. Ontarios LDR program includes alternate treatment standards for a soil or a soil mixture and a debris or a debris mixture that is a listed waste or characteristic waste. If the activity or service is not performed, the waste would not be generated. , de-characterized and the regulated constituents in Schedule 6 meet the treatment requirements is no longer a subject waste and registration is not required when it is hauled off-site for disposal. Commercial waste chemicals include materials such as pharmaceutical or pesticide waste products that contain active ingredients in Part A or Part B of Schedule 2.

pagando los impuestos correspondientes ante el Ministerio de Hacienda. Section 27 of the EPA states that "no person shall use, operate, establish, alter, enlarge or extend a waste management system or a waste disposal site except under and in accordance with an environmental compliance approval". I have always managed my used oil as a liquid industrial waste L. Each user in the HWIN system must have a unique user name, and if you create a user name that has already been used, the HWIN system will alert you and ask you to choose another user name. If the answer to this question is Yes, you must provide the ECA number for the facility on the HWIN list of tonnage fee exempt recycling facilities that will receive the waste. The term derives from the name of the Greek poet of the 6th century, Thespis, who is known as the father of Greek tragedy. Further details about the information that should be provided are presented below. Generators of hazardous wastes that may be subject to the LDR programs notification requirements can include the original waste generator or any subsequent receiver e. With this type of mixing, the contents of the larger storage container maintain an "I" characterization, despite the fact that the smaller containers of "I" waste originally came from a lab pack that had an "A" characterization. COEM 4005 - Etiqueta y Protocolo en el Entorno Empresarial. Facilities that receive these wastes for treatment and disposal must ensure that the wastes meet the applicable land disposal treatment requirements before land disposal. Y si mantienes dudas o prefieres que un especialista se ocupe del papeleo preciso para tu actividad de formación, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con los expertos de Infoautónomos. Although these materials are considered to be wastes, they are not subject to generator registration and manifesting, as long as they meet the Section 3 requirements. If there is sufficient contamination, the entire waste may have the same primary waste characterization as the contaminant, and may therefore have the same waste class as the contaminant. Los cursos virtuales orientados por competencias, una mirada hacia la. Liquid industrial wastes are not affected by the LDR program. the Ministry suggests that the generator obtain the necessary manifests from the regulatory agency that requires them.

So we can see what is driving this growing international level of anti-system sentiment and action against what is system collapse. In cases where the receiver receives a waste that is incorrectly classified, the receiver must not change the waste class that was entered by the generator. A sample Certificate for Sealed Container is available for download. Matriculá el curso de Creación de Empresas, y podrás innovar y ganar en. Así, los cursos por internet que ofrecen las diferentes universidades, conocidos como cursos MOOC que están grabados y únicamente se reproducen y el resto de las modalidades masivas y automatizadas de enseñanza, no están exentas. The waste number consists of the three-digit number Ontario waste class plus a single letter primary waste characterization, e. A mohel is a man who has been trained in the practice of brit milah circumcision. Pongamos como segundo caso, que trabajas por cuenta ajena en una empresa y, a la vez, te llaman para dar una charla o un curso puntual sobre la materia en la que te desarrollas profesionalmente. If the spent battery is being registered due to the corrosivity that results from high alkalinity, then the appropriate waste class is 122, since this falls under the minor category of alkaline solutions. In this case, the metal-bearing wastes are considered to meet the requirements of the subsection 3 2 exemption. In such cases, both manifests will need to be referenced on the load refusal report, and a copy of the original manifest should be attached to the secondary manifest while the waste is in transit. I confirm that I have been designated by my organization as the HWIN Administrator, and as HWIN Administrator I certify that I will keep HWIN registration information current.

Similarly, a processing facility that mixes LDR wastes before treatment to meet land disposal treatment requirements must report in its LDR notification form all hazardous waste numbers from the incoming LDR notification forms that were received from generators for the wastes that were mixed. so it behooved politicians to listen, and listen they did. Its time to disown any landlord friends you have. NBCs Saturday Night Live SNL was named NBCs Saturday Night during its first season. International forces should not be ruled out and horizons widened beyond local discussion. However, when these non-hazardous solid wastes become contaminated with a subject waste, they may require a waste class number. Hazardous wastes that are to be land disposed must meet the treatment requirements for all applicable hazardous waste numbers for wastes that are both listed and characteristic. " If a waste is broadly available for purchase by interested consumers, it is considered to be offered for retail sale. The LDR program does not specify record-keeping requirements for the final disposal facilities that receive LDR wastes. It identifies the conditions under which a waste ECA is not required for various types of waste management practices. If the treated waste or residual is subject waste, it retains the initial waste characterization, unless a new characteristic i. Una cuestión que hay que resolver según los casos. No, they are the 2 components of Globalism. LDR Notification required for treated characteristic wastes disposed off-site. Add to that lethal mix a government that STILL serves the short-term interests of corporations and money-lenders ahead of the interests of the people, and which lies about practically everything just to stay in power. But much work needs to be put in before this is ever going to happen. Please note that if the waste is temporarily stored, the 90 day reporting requirement applies see subsection 17.

As a result, the generator must identify the constituents that caused the waste to be characteristic, as well as any other regulated constituent in Schedule 6 that may be present in the waste at a concentration at or above the Schedule 6 standard at the point of generation. Part 2A of the GRR includes a series of questions that when answered, will help you determine if you are required to fill out Part 2B note that these questions may appear in a different format if you complete a GRR on-line through HWIN - e. Appendix L: Declaration of Wastes Subject to Land Disposal Restrictions will help you determine whether the LDR requirements apply. Will the waste be processed on-site? Note that this does not include mixing, blending or bulking where no treatment is involved or disposal through OWRA facilities, thermal treatment or waste-derived fuel sites. The LDR program affects hazardous waste generators, carriers and receivers. Já no módulo sobre Etiqueta Empresarial, conhecerá como se comportar corretamente no ambiente de trabalho, em reuniões de. The Load Refusal Report is in colour-coded in four parts, to be distributed as follows:. If a subject waste is processed on-site prior to on-site disposal, the waste must also be registered under On-site Processing and Storage. Waste has been partially treated for the regulated. Depending on those circumstances, the Ministry may provide some flexibility by granting a variance in the application of a land disposal treatment requirement. The LDR notification requirement can be met by providing a copy of the Part 2B form to the receiver, or by providing the required information in a different format.

There is enough for everyone but if just a few own or control the majority of wealth then the tail end is desperate poverty. Please do not attempt to complete your GRR until you have followed the flowchart through to completion for each waste stream and have read all the relevant explanations. As it is, we have got the worst of all worlds, one in which the gap between the top and the bottom has never been greater well not for about a hundred years and the gap is increasing. En este caso sí que está exenta la formación ya que la presencia del profesor es esencial y, aunque el formato de impartición del curso sea digital, es una prestación de servicios que no está automatizada. All the hazardous waste numbers of the wastes that enter these facilities are not carried through to the residues for LDR purposes since the original waste generators were not required to provide this information to the facilities provided that the wastes were not processed before being received at these sites. When the wastes are physically separate, each waste generated can be considered and managed as an individual waste stream. A mixture of a hazardous industrial waste and any other waste or material remains a hazardous industrial waste. If the on-site processed waste or residual from the waste processing is not a subject waste, registration is not required, but a waste analysis plan as outlined in Section 85 of Regulation 347 is required, and records must be maintained for LDR purposes. Field operations are activities or services that are performed by companies or a public sector agency and are part of their regular duties. For example, improper waste disposal practices or leachate from landfills that are not designed to accept these wastes may contaminate ground water and surface water. Anything to curry favour with their rich prick mates and share in the proceeds, eh? Privatization and the free market is good, for the ONE PERCENT.

The fear that a strong effort to reduce inequality would involve CGT and estate taxation and or falling properrty values impacting on the generation of the many votes. If you are registering a de-characterized waste that will be land disposed, and the waste is no longer hazardous but remains subject waste i. The amount a generator is required to pay for the manifest and tonnage components of the registration fee will vary from facility to facility, and a range of payment options are available to accommodate the circumstances of each generator. If the waste generation facility is a transfer station or processing facility, and all regulated constituents will be monitored to ensure that the treatment standards have been met, you may enter "all" under the heading of "regulated constituents" for each hazardous waste number. of subsection 3 2 of Regulation 347, registration and manifesting is not required. While such materials are still considered to be wastes, the requirements for registration and manifesting do not apply. The waste is therefore considered to be waste gasoline, and identified as waste class 221. These waste classes are divided into three major categories: inorganic wastes, organic wastes and other wastes. The questionnaire will indicate if the LDR Notifications Form Part 2B needs to be filled out for this waste stream. Example: A spent alkaline battery may be classified as either 122 alkaline solutions, sludges and residues containing other metals and non-metals, not containing cyanides or as 146 other specified inorganic sludges, slurries and solids. Section 803 of Regulation 347 that the certificate must contain the following:. There is a great deal in what you say, Peter. A record of the information submitted to the Director must be retained at the location where the waste is being stored, and kept for at least two years after the waste is no longer stored.


Regulation 347 limits mixing, blending, bulking or other intermingling of hazardous waste with any other waste or material at the waste generation facility, during transfer to a waste transportation vehicle, and at waste disposal sites. Wastes that do not need to be registered, such as non-hazardous solids including soils, sand, rubble, rock, glass and wood do not normally require a waste class number. Struggled for a bit with 117 Across clue Agents collection because I was looking and looking for a whole word for the answer when it was an abbreviation. In addition, if a lab pack is to be unpacked and sorted with the possibility that any of the individual hazardous wastes in the lab pack will be land disposed, the initial generator must ensure that the LDR notification requirements are met for all of the wastes in the lab pack. Wastes that are packaged in a sealed container in accordance with the SQG provisions of the LDR program may also be lab packed. For example, if an aqueous waste that is characteristic waste is treated and the residual is a non-aqueous waste i. Due to the restrictions on mixing, blending, bulking or other intermingling of hazardous waste with other waste or material, waste management facilities that conduct these activities e. For an annual GRR, please complete the entire report. These activities have been divided into two groups to facilitate generator registration and fee payments: 1 On-site Processing and Storage, and 2 On-site Disposal. Hazardous waste numbers are listed in Column 1 of Schedules 1, 2, 3, and 5 see Regulation 347. Liverpool is a large port city in the northwest of England located on the estuary of the River Mersey.

Your generator registration will not be complete until Part 2B has been completed for all listed and characteristic waste streams, including characteristic wastes that have been treated to meet LDR standards, unless your answers to the questions above indicate that Part 2B is not required. Generally, the intent is to include wastes that are susceptible to violent/vigorous reactions or are likely to generate toxic fumes. However, this does not mean that the waste is available for purchase by a manufacturer as a raw material. If the Ministry has granted a variance for the waste stream, the generator must identify the approval number for the variance that amended the treatment standard. Cant be helpful that every time the Left gets the chance to do something transformational well known commentators of the Left wring their hands and urge that we sit on the same out of realpolitik considerations. El presente curso de Relaciones Públicas y Protocolo Empresarial está destinado con carácter general a todas aquellas personas que deseen introducirse inicialmente en el mundo del Protocolo en ámbito empresarial o para afianzar sus conocimientos en dicha materia, así como a aquellas otras que estando prestando ya sus servicios en dicho sector y están interesados en actualizar sus. Suggesting the powers-that-be created identity politics in order to hamstring Progressive movements is the equivalent of mediaeval peasants blaming witches and Satan for crop failures. Any residues that are subject waste must also be registered.

To estimate your payment in advance on or before February 15, it may be helpful to use the following formula:. After being tested at the end of an AP course, successful students receive credits that count towards a college degree. As a waste generator, it is your responsibility to complete and submit a supplementary GRR if any changes occur. , a Schedule 1 hazardous industrial waste that has been processed to reduce its toxicity and any residual from the processing are both considered to be listed wastes after they have been treated, and must be disposed of at an approved hazardous waste facility. Schumer argued Trump would continue to poison the public arena if he was able to launch another presidential campaign. Así que la primera duda a resolver es si debes darte de alta o no como autónomo para poder desarrollar esa actividad. When residues that are subject to LDR requirements are being registered, the GRR must contain the information provided by the original waste generators in the LDR notification forms for all wastes that entered into the process that generated the residues. 5 centimetres of material on the bottom of the container. The LDR program does not include land disposal treatment requirements for the following hazardous wastes:. For example, if lead dross is fed with lead concentrate into a sintering plant before smelting, the waste meets the requirement for this exemption. Please see Appendix E: Distribution of the Paper Form of a Manifest for detailed instructions on how to complete each part of the manifest and how those parts should be distributed.

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A characteristic waste that has been treated in accordance with the LDR requirements, but contains regulated constituents that do not meet the Schedule 6 standards is subject waste. Please note that some of the exclusions have specific requirements that must be met in order for the waste to be excluded from the definition. For characteristic wastes, generators may be registering an untreated waste, a waste that has been treated to address only its hazardous characteristic, or a waste that has been treated to address both the hazardous characteristic and all other regulated constituents in Schedule 6. McConnell has signaled he is open to voting to convict Trump when the Senate takes up the article of impeachment passed by the House last week. For generators, the advantage of using lab packs is that one waste stream can be registered for all the different wastes, rather registering and filling out Part 2A for each separate waste stream. So, the Chinese Zodiac has one sign for each of twelve years, whereas the Western Zodiac has one sign for each of the twelve months. During the generator registration process, the generator must assess all listed wastes and characteristic wastes to determine whether there is a requirement to provide the receiver of the waste with the additional information. Subsecretario de Hacienda y Crédito Público SHCP. These facilities also need to provide guidance to waste generation facilities that are planning to mix LDR wastes on-site, to ensure that they do so in accordance with the waste receivers ECA.

This exemption only applies to subject waste from the servicing of motor vehicles. Speaking on the Senate floor, McConnell said, The mob was fed lies. Restrictions on mixing of waste with other wastes or materials are discussed in the Managing Your Waste section. Key aspects of the manual are as follows:. If the original waste was not a listed waste, the treatment residuals must be characterized to determine what type of hazardous waste it is. One final delight in the WP puzzle was observing, at the end, that all of the theme entries were legitimate, clue-able entities by themselves, independently of the gimmick. It is important to note that the wastes generated by small quantity generators SQGs are not the same wastes covered by the small quantity exemptions SQE, which are exemptions under the definitions of liquid industrial waste and hazardous waste. Rather, they establish alternate management requirements e. , a revision to your initial generator registration report. If you generate a characteristic waste and the treatment standard indicates that Schedule 6 standards must be met, you should conduct additional analysis to identify the concentration of any additional regulated constituents listed in Schedule 6 that might be present at or above the treatment standards, based on the nature of the waste and the waste generation process. The theme helped me fill in a couple of long ones, but near the end, there were two squares I just couldnt figure out. The generation of waste and the legislative and regulatory provisions that may exempt specific wastes from some regulatory requirements e.

It would also place stricter limits on how states can go about removing voters from the rolls, require states to set up independent redistricting commissions to draw congressional lines, and prohibit states from disenfranchising anyone who is on parole or probation. For processed wastes that are listed wastes, the treated waste and treatment residual always retain the characterizations of the wastes that entered the treatment process along with their associated hazardous waste numbers, unless a valid ECA specifies otherwise. The sections below will help you determine whether or not you need to register your waste. But nobody can stop new members from joining up and building mass to the point of having some real power. The churches would have been on their hind legs. Arista Records was set up as part of Columbia Pictures by one Clive Davis. If the waste remains leachate toxic after treatment for the contaminant, it must be land disposed in a facility that is approved to accept hazardous wastes, provided that all the other regulated constituents in the waste meet Schedule 6 standards. In this section, the use of the term "mixing" includes mixing, bulking, blending or intermingling with any other waste or material. This exemption is for wastes produced by generators that produce a total of less than 100 kg of hazardous industrial waste H, hazardous waste chemical B and characteristic waste I, C, R, or T in any month. Generators and operators of processing facilities are required to comply with these requirements, based on the LDR programs phase-in schedule.

You may determine that your wastes are not subject to the registration requirements of Regulation 347, and you do not need to take any further action. I acknowledge that it is an offence under subsection 184 2 of the EPA to give false or misleading information to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change. This was to differentiate it from the ABC show airing at that time, called Saturday Night Live with Howard Cosell. Waste generators need to determine if the wastes they produce or accumulate are subject to Ontarios registration requirements. For example, an oily water treatment facility is not viable without oily water. We dont fight, because the best weapon we now have is to stop doing anything. The word describes the track left by an animal, or the act of following said track. There are two ways to complete a manifest, either electronically on-line or on paper:. The only good news is, the system is reaching the implosion point, as a consequence of all the failures, inconsistencies, corruption defective analysis and lies. The rhea takes its name from the Greek Titan Rhea. , C, I, R or T is created through the processing of a characteristic waste, the processed waste or residual waste is considered to be a new point of generation and must be characterized at that point. This report must be sent to the Ministry within 15 days of the date the change took place. Land disposal treatment requirements only apply once a decision is made to remove the soils from the remediation site, and if the soils are characterized as hazardous waste and are to be land disposed. A summary of these requirements is provided below. Had FRIGHT and FIGHT early and though it would be some variation on that. If you generate a waste that is a corrosive waste, you will need to specify the following information on the GRR:. Saks Fifth Avenue is a high-end specialty store that competes with the likes of Bloomingdales and Neiman Marcus. That was fun! Got the theme early on, and then jumped around the puzzle, working out from the theme answers.

For each generator the Generator Registration Fee is calculated by adding three components together:. For waste from other jurisdictions that is coming into Ontario, send copy 1 White. Materias competencia del Ministerio de Hacienda. Regulated constituents must also be identified at this point. The supply of waste solvents is simply an alternative that is substituted for virgin solvents to obtain an economic benefit. A small quantity generator that meets the requirements of Section 80 is not required to complete the notification form. To determine if a waste can be mixed, blended or bulked with other wastes, the generator first has to identify the type of wastes being generated. A waste stream that is managed on-site using any of the following activities must be registered under On-site Processing and Storage:. Otra pregunta habitual es si la formación que se realiza de manera online está o no exenta de IVA. The treatment requirements are typically referred to as Universal Treatment Standards UTS and the regulated constituents in Schedule 6 are often referred to as Underlying Hazardous Constituents UHC. Any transfer station or processing facility that receives wastes destined for an HWIN list of tonnage fee exempt recycling facility, OWRA, waste-derived fuel or incineration facility also needs to make the declaration above when completing their GRR with respect to the intended destination for their waste. However, the Ministry recognizes that there may be special circumstances where meeting a specific treatment requirement for a hazardous waste is not possible before land disposal.

Depending on the characterization of the material they once contained, empty containers or inner liners may or may not be exempt from registration and manifesting under the definition of hazardous waste. LIKE THE CELEBRATED DOG that didnt bark, the New Zealand Left is proving itself a poor protector of the exploited. In the event of a spill or environmental emergency, please contact the Ministrys Spills Action Centre SAC at 1-800-268-6060. If you are submitting your GRR for an Ontario site and it is the first GRR for the site/operation, please check this item. , If you register a waste with a characterization of L, P or D through HWIN, you are not required to answer any of these questions: These questions will help you determine whether your waste is subject to LDR. However, the Ministry would still like to know how much of this waste is being recycled every year. By Mail:Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Branch, Area MMinistry of the Environment and Climate Change135 St. After a soil has been treated so that it meets the alternate treatment standard, it may still be a characteristic waste because it is leachate toxic. Finally, there are three-digit waste classes within each minor group - classes that describe wastes that are similar in composition, physical properties and generation source. Aqueous wastes are wastes that contain less than 1 total organic carbon by weight, and less than 1 total suspended solids by weight. If your waste has a primary characterization of liquid industrial waste L, then it is not a hazardous waste and the tonnage component of the fee does not apply. Minor modifications to the wastes, such as incidental sedimentation in storage tanks where treatment is not intended, may be acceptable. The registration of subject wastes takes place in two steps:. We have to hold strongly to our belief in the capacity of those who produce the wealth to act collectively in their defence.

Important Aspects of the Manual for Waste Generators

All of us want to put this awful chapter in our nations history behind us. However, once the immediate threat from the spill has been addressed, the generator is responsible for the wastes characterization, and for providing the LDR notification to the receiver of the waste. Even RNZ plays a part with its hopelessly out of balance presentation of news. People are vulnerable and most politicians will have a file on their past history and vulnerabilities held by potentially controlling agencies. As with remediation waste, if debris or a debris mixture is known to have been contaminated by a listed waste, it must be managed in accordance with the rules for the listed waste with which it is contaminated. The judith Collins of this world just will keep on helping to break down hope that should be a binding force for much of NZ. The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks works to protect and sustain the quality of Ontarios air, land, and water. However, the Ministry recognizes that generators need some flexibility when registering their waste streams, especially when the wastes are generated from the same or similar operations, such as waste lubricants from various machinery and wastewaters from various cleaning insing operations. Note that these questions may appear in a different format if you complete a GRR on-line through HWIN. , waste is processed on-site and also disposed of on-site. , the waste cannot be land disposed because the regulated constituents in Schedule 6 of Regulation 347 do not meet the treatment requirements, must be registered before it is hauled to an off-site waste management facility. Please note that thermal treatment is not considered processing. Hazardous wastes are not required to meet the LDR requirements for treatment before they are:. Although the "main component" rule can generally be used to determine waste class numbers, one significant area where the rule cannot be easily applied involves solids that are normally non-hazardous, but that have become contaminated, for example, from a spill, leak, deliberate mixing or accident.

Source: https://www.ontario.ca


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